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Lab 8: Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity

Lecture Slides & Data


Sharp RDD

Last week we discussed sharp regression discontinuity designs, in which a cut-off perfectly determines the treatment status of units. In simple words: all units on one side of the cut-off are treated, while all units on the other side are not:

\[ \operatorname{Pr}\left(D_{i}=1\right)=p\left(X_{i}\right) \]

\[ p\left(X_{i}\right)= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } X_{i} \geq X_{0} \\ 0 & \text { if } X_{i}<X_{0}\end{cases} \]

Fuzzy RDD

Sharp RDDs are only a special case of regression discontinuity, RDDs are more powerful than that. Fuzzy RDDs allow us to estimate causal effects in settings where treatment assignment is not deterministic. The cut-off may not perfectly determine treatment exposure, but it creates a discontinuity in the probability of treatment exposure. The cut-off therefore does not perfectly predict treatment status. Still, we can use a fuzzy RDD as long as it introduces a meaningful as-if random discontinuity that we can take advantage of.

\[ \begin{aligned} \lim _{X_{i} \uparrow X_{0}} p\left(X_{i}\right) & \neq \lim _{X_{i} \downarrow X_{0}} p\left(X_{i}\right) \end{aligned} \]

As we learned before, we cannot simply ignore treatment uptake as it likely is not random: Other (unobserved) covariates might come into play and cause units to take up or reject treatment. In other words, non-compliance with treatment assignment is an issue in this case that must be taken into account in order to estimate an unbiased causal effect - this should make you recall Lab 6.

In fact, a fuzzy RDD simply incorporates an instrumental variable (IV) that is applied to a regression discontinuity. Usually we can use the treatment assignment - i.e. on which side of a cut-off a unit is - as an instrument for treatment status. Similarly to the IV design, we estimate the LATE among compliers. Note that all assumptions of the IV design need to be satisfied here, too. Extrapolating across the discontinuity, this allows us to estimate the LATE for compliers in the bandwidth (close to the threshold):

\[ \begin{aligned} \alpha_{F R D D} &=E\left[Y_{1}-Y_{0} \mid X=c \right] \\ &=\frac{\lim _{x \downarrow c} E[Y \mid X=c]-\lim _{x \uparrow c} E[Y \mid X=c]}{\lim _{x \downarrow c} E[D \mid X=c]-\lim _{x \uparrow c} E[D \mid X=c]} \\ &=\frac{\text { outcome discontinuity }}{\text { treatment discontinuity }} \\ & \approx \frac{E[Y \mid Z=1]-E[Y \mid Z=0]}{E[D \mid Z=1]-E[D \mid Z=0]} \end{aligned} \]

This again should sound familiar - the LATE among compliers in fuzzy RDDs can be estimated using a 2SLS regression as we will see in today’s Lab.

Before starting this seminar

  1. Create a folder called “lab8”

  2. Download the data (you can use the button or the one at the top, or read csv files directly from github):

  3. Open an R script (or Markdown file) and save it in our “lab8” folder.

  4. Set your working directory using the setwd() function or by clicking on “More“. For example setwd(“~/Desktop/Causal Inference/2022/Lab8”)

  5. Let’s install an load packages that we will be using in this lab:

library(rdd) # to conduct a density test
library(rdrobust) # to conduct non-parametric estimation
library(rddensity) # to conduct a density test
library(tidyverse)  # ggplot(), %>%, mutate() 
library(broom)  # Convert models to data frames
library(rdrobust)  # For robust nonparametric regression discontinuity
library(estimatr)  # Run 2SLS models in one step with iv_robust()
library(modelsummary)  # Create side-by-side regression tables
library(kableExtra)  # Fancy table formatting
library(ggplot2) # to generate plots
library(haven) # to import dta files. 
library(wesanderson) # To change the colour scheme of ggplot

Seminar Overview

In this seminar, we will cover the following topics:
1. Familiarise ourselves with the data structure of fuzzy RDD and the substantive interpretation of the estimator.
2. Visualise discontinuities in terms of treatment and outcome at the cut-off.
3. Estimate parametric fuzzy RDDs using 2SLS regressions.
4. Using the rdrobust package, estimate non-parametric fuzzy RDDs.
5. Conduct the following robustness/falsification tests such as balance test, placebo outcome, density test, and falsification test.

Today’s Paper

To familiarize ourselves with fuzzy RDDs, we will be analysing data from the paper Staying in the First League: Parliamentary Representation and the Electoral Success of Small Parties authored by Elias Dinas, Pedro Riera and Nasos Roussias.

In this paper, the authors seek to contribute to answering one of the most essential research questions in party politics: Why are some small parties successful whereas other whither away? What accounts for the variation in the trajectories of small parties?

The authors theorise an organisational mechanism that contributes to parties’ success. According to their expectations, entering parliament should lead to an increase in a party’s vote share in the subsequent election. This is because being represented in parliament usually comes with a lot of benefits, which are not experienced by parties that are not represented: influence on policy-making, public funding, media visibility, an increase in organisational capacity (staff, etc.) as well as reduced uncertainty about electoral viability and ideological profiles. Conversely, parties that fail to enter parliament to not gain these benefits and even be abandoned by skilled personnel. As you notice, there might be a lot of reasons which make it difficult to isolate a causal effect without an appropriate identification strategy.

In many multi-party systems, there is a legal threshold for representation in parliament at the national level, usually in terms of a fixed vote share, that determined whether a party enters parliament or not. The authors exploit the randomness introduced by these electoral thresholds to circumvent endogeneity problems. Clearly, parties are not able to manipulate their vote share. They look at countries that had employed a legal threshold of representation at the national level at least one since 1945.

Why do we need to estimate a fuzzy RDD here? Unlike the sharp RDD, in this case some candidates make it to parliament even though their party did not pass the threshold - in other words, there is non-compliance with treatment assignment as the discontinuity does not fully determine treatment status. Roughly 20% of electoral systems allow some parties to get into parliament even if they did not meet the threshold - can you think of reason why?

The authors use a linear regression estimator with a triangular kernel and optimal bandwidths determined by Imbens/Kalyanaramn’s algorithm (h=2.4, after the cut-off is centred). The outcome is parties’ vote share at the subsequent election (\(t_1\)). They find a local average treatment effect among compliers of 1.9%-points: Parties that have not cleared the threshold received 3.9 percent at election \(t_1\), whereas those who overcome the threshold get 5.8 percent. This amounts up to an increase of a meaningful substantive effect of around 40% on their vote share.

Note: Electoral thresholds vary by country, ranging from 0.67%-points to 10%-points. To make observations comparable, the authors standardise electoral result. They use 3.51 as common cut-off point and transform vote shares to that scale. Importantly, the relative distance from the threshold remains the same:

\[\frac{Vote Share_i}{Threshold_i} = \frac{VoteShare_{i, standardised}}{3.51} \]

We will be using the following variables:

Variable Description
performance This is the standardised and centred vote share of party i at \(t_0\).
treat Binary variable that indicates whether the party’s vote share met/exceeded the threshold (=1) or not (=0).
newsuccess The party’s vote share in the subsequent election at \(t_1\).
treated Binary variable indicating whether a party entered parliament (=1) or not (=0)
oldsuccess The standardised and centred vote share of party i at \(t_{(-1)}\), which we’ll use as a placebo.
newperc Indicates the standardised vote share in absolute terms
seats Indicates the number of seats won in an election
established Binary variable indicating if a country is an established democracy
oldparty Count variable indicating how many elections a party had contested before.

Now let’s load the data. There are two ways to do this:

You can load the brands dataset from your laptop using the read.csv() function. You can call this data set enter

# Set your working directory
#setwd("~/Desktop/Causal Inference/2022/Lab8")
enter <- read.csv("")


Now, let’s see how the data looks like. Generate a plot using the rdplot() function from the rdrobust package.

The syntax is quite simple. See it below:

Exercise 1: Generate a plot using the rdplot(Y, X, ci = 95, binselect = "", subset = condition) function. Replace X with enter$performance and Y with enter$newsuccess. Set the argument ci equal to 95, so we can display confidence interval in each bin. Let’s create a RD plot with evenly-spaced bins by setting the argument binselect equal to “es”. Finally, let’s subset the data for parties that their standardised vote share was below 3.51. For this, set the argument subset equal to performance < 3.51. For more details about this function please see below.

rdplot(Y, X, c = 0, ci = 95, binselect = "es", subset = Z < condition)
Function/argument Description
Y Y is the dependent variable.
X X is the running variable
c To specify the cut-off the default is 0
ci Optional graphical option to display confidence intervals of selected level for each bin
binselect Specifies the procedure to select the number of bins. See options below:
es: IMSE-optimal evenly-spaced method using spacings estimators.
esmv: mimicking variance evenly-spaced method using spacings estimators. This is the default option.
qspr: IMSE-optimal quantile-spaced method using polynomial regression.
subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used.

Reveal Answer
rdplot(enter$newsuccess, enter$performance, ci=95, binselect="es", subset = enter$performance <3.51) 
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."

Note that we use 3.51 to drop observations larger than that number (weighted threshold). This insures a balanced N below and above the cut-off.

Let’s check that this indeed a fuzzy design. but first let’s create a new variable called treatment_received.

Exercise 2: Create a new variable that is equal to “Treated” if the treated variable is equal to 1, and “Not treated” otherwise. You can use the mutate() and ifelse() function to do this. You can see an example below.

data <- data %>% 
  mutate(new_variable = ifelse(variable == 1, "Treated", "Not treated"))

Reveal Answer
enter <- enter %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(treatment_received = ifelse(treated == 1, "Treated", "Not treated"))


Not treated     Treated 
       1610        1739 

Now that we have created this variable, let’s use it to generate another RD plots that will helps us identify whether the units actually received the treatment condition that were assigned to. Let’s use ggplot this time.

Exercise 3: Generate the following plot:

  • Map data components into the graph ggplot(aes(x = running variable, y = outcome, colour = as.factor(new received variable)), subset(subset=running variable <3.51), data = data)

  • Add a scatter plot by adding the following function: geom_point(size = , alpha = ). Set the size argument equal to 1 and the alpha argument equal to 0.6.

  • Add a linear regression below the threshold using: geom_smooth(data = filter(subset(data,subset=running variable <3.51), running variable <= 0), method = "lm")

  • Add a linear regression above the threshold using: geom_smooth(data = filter(subset(data,subset=running variable <3.51), running variable > 0), method = "lm")

  • Add vertical that pass through 0 on the vertical axis by setting the intercept equal to 0: geom_vline(xintercept = 0)

  • Change the labels on the y and x axis using: labs(x = "Vote share t0", y = "Vote share t1", color = "Treated")

  • Change the default colours adding the Wes Anderson palette: scale_color_manual(values=wes_palette("Darjeeling1"))

Reveal Answer
ggplot(subset(enter, subset=performance<3.51), aes(x = performance, y = newsuccess, color = as.factor(treatment_received))) +
  # Make points small and semi-transparent since there are lots of them
  geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 0.5) + 
  #  Add a line based on a linear model for the parties meeting the threshold
  geom_smooth(data = filter(subset(enter,subset=performance <3.51), performance <= 0), method = "lm") +
  # Add a line based on a linear model for the parties missing the threshold
 geom_smooth(data = filter(subset(enter,subset=performance <3.51), performance > 0), method = "lm") +
  # Add labels
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
  labs(x = "Vote share t0", y = "Vote share t1", color = "Treated") +          scale_color_manual(values=wes_palette("Darjeeling1")) # change the defaults palette. 

From a quick visual inspection, we can see that we are dealing with a case of one-sided non-compliance. This means that some parties that were above the threshold were not then elected.

Let’s calculate the proportion of compliance above and below the threshold.

Exercise 4: Calculate the proportion of compliance above and below the threshold. Let’s look at the instructions and functions below to do this.

data %>%  
  group_by(variable1, variable2) %>%  # 
  summarise(count = n()) %>% 
  group_by(variable1) %>% 
  mutate(prop  = count/ sum(count))
  • Group observations by using the group_by() function and include the following variables: treated and performance<=0 variables. By doing this operation, we are is creating four groups: 1) Parties elected/above the threshold; 2) Parties elected/below the threshold; 3) Non elected parties/above the threshold; 4) Non elected parties/below the threshold.

  • Add the summarise() function and create a new data frame from the grouping data frame we created before. Add count inside of the summarise function. This will be a variable that will store the number of observations in each group. For this, we need to add the n() function that calculates the number of observations in each group. By adding the two functions below, we get the number of observations in each of the four groups. (you can try to run just these functions and see what you get).

  • Finally, let’s calculate the proportion of compliance above and below the threshold. We can do this by grouping observations by their treatment condition and then using the sum() function. We can create a new variable called prop that is equal to the number of observations in each sub-group (whether they were above or below the threshold). Then, we divide this number by the total number of observations within each treatment condition using the sum(count) function. This will give you the proportion of compliance.

More detail of these function can be found below:

Function/argument Description
group_by() Groups observations by the variables included in the function
summarise() Creates a new data frame. It will have one (or more) rows for each combination of grouping variables
n() returns the number of observations in a current group
sum() returns the sum of all the values present in its arguments

Reveal Answer
enter %>% 
  group_by(treated, performance <= 0) %>% 
  summarize(count = n()) %>% 
  group_by(treated) %>% 
  mutate(prop  = count/ sum(count))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
# Groups:   treated [2]
  treated `performance <= 0` count  prop
    <int> <lgl>              <int> <dbl>
1       0 TRUE                1610 1    
2       1 FALSE               1563 0.899
3       1 TRUE                 176 0.101

We can see the count and proportion of compliance in each group. We see that 176 times parties (around 10% of the observations) were below the threshold, but end up in parliament. We can confirm that we have a case of one-sided non-compliance.

Let’s subset the data for the following analyses. We want to make sure we have a fair comparison between observations below and above the cut-off. Since the performance variable cannot have outcomes <-3,51, we mirror the data by subsetting positive performance scores:


Fuzzy RDD: Parametric Estimation

Simultaneously to last week, let’s estimate a parametric fuzzy RDD first to make sure we understand the underlying logic - which is based on the instrumental variables design. Remember that in the case of fuzzy RDDs we have “two events” of interest. First, ‘treatment assignment’ which is defined by the running variable exceeding the cut-off, and, secondly, actual treatment status. Let formally state that \(Z_i\) is an indicator for when \(X_{i,\text{centered}}\) exceeds the cut-off. We can use these variables to instrument for the endogenous treatment variable \(D_{i}\).

The principle is the same as in the IV design: We have an instrument, \(Z_i\), that describes assignment to treatment based on an observation’s position relative to the cut-off. We know that the instrument is a strong predictor - as it should be - of the treatment status, \(D_i\). We can exploit the random variation (close to the cut-off) introduced by the instrument to predict treatment status in our first stage - which you can think of as indicating compliance:

\[\hat{D_i} = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 X_{i,centered} + \gamma_2 Z_i + \rho_i\] for \[c-h \leq X_i \leq c + h\]

Here \(\hat{D}\) predicts the treatment status based on assignment to the treatment (\(Z_i\)) and the vote share (\(X_{i,cented}\)) in \(t_0\).

The second stage, then, uses the predicted values to calculate the following equation in order to estimate the LATE among compliers at the cut-off:

\[\hat{Y_i} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{i,centered} + \beta_2 \hat{D_i} + \epsilon_i\] for \[c-h \leq X_i \leq c + h\]

Where our coefficient of interest \(\beta_2\), which is the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) among compliers at the cut-off. Having this in mind, we know we can estimate a parametric fuzzy RDD by specifying a 2SLS regression. This can be done using the packages and commands you already know, such as iv_robust().

Exercise 5: Estimate a parametric fuzzy RDD model using the iv_robust() command. Interpret your findings.

Reveal Answer
model_fuzzy <- iv_robust(
  newsuccess ~ treated + performance | treat + performance,
  data = filter(enter)

iv_robust(formula = newsuccess ~ treated + performance | treat + 
    performance, data = filter(enter))

Standard error type:  HC2 

            Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper  DF
(Intercept)   2.9523     0.4022   7.341 4.615e-13   2.1631    3.742 930
treated       1.6539     0.6752   2.450 1.449e-02   0.3289    2.979 930
performance   0.7504     0.1340   5.600 2.815e-08   0.4874    1.013 930

Multiple R-squared:  0.3207 ,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.3192 
F-statistic: 179.5 on 2 and 930 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Specifying the 2SLS model, we find that the estimated effect is 1.65%-points on the standardised scale. The estimate is also statistically significant, so we conclude that the estimated LATE among compliers is different from 0.

Is this estimate robust though? The global parametric estimation has significant weaknesses.Think of our identification assumption for the RDD. In this global model, we have been using all observations from the data frame, including those rather far away from the threshold - i.e. those which are not really comparable. Moreover, the parametric model, unlike kernel estimators, does not weigh observations. Accordingly, the bias introduced by including the whole range of data is possibly severe. We might have estimated a biased effect here.

Let’s tackle this problem by estimating a more credible parametric fuzzy RDD. We can do so by subsetting the data we input into the regression model.

Exercise 6: Estimate the same model as above, but only consider parties with vote shares up to 1% on the standardised scale below/above the threshold. Is this result more credible?

Reveal Answer
model_fuzzy_range <- iv_robust(
  newsuccess ~ treated + performance | treat + performance,
  data = filter(enter, performance <= 1, performance>-1)

iv_robust(formula = newsuccess ~ treated + performance | treat + 
    performance, data = filter(enter, performance <= 1, performance > 

Standard error type:  HC2 

            Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper  DF
(Intercept)  2.27364     0.7824  2.90607 0.004077   0.7308    3.817 198
treated      2.93398     1.2550  2.33776 0.020398   0.4590    5.409 198
performance -0.07435     0.7448 -0.09983 0.920580  -1.5431    1.394 198

Multiple R-squared:  0.02394 ,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.01408 
F-statistic: 10.27 on 2 and 198 DF,  p-value: 5.693e-05

This estimator draws a different picture. Our estimated effect is now 2.93%-points on the standardised scale - this is meaningful and almost as large in magnitude as the standardised threshold itself. The estimate is also statistically significant. Based on this model specification, we can conclude that the LATE at the cut-off among compliers indeed is meaningful.

This model is somewhat more credible than the one we estimated above. Now we are only looking at observations which represent parties with a vote share of up to 1%-point above or below the standardised threshold. This is more reasonable as as these parties should be more comparable. Note that the model still has some disadvantages: We specify the functional form of the model and still do not weigh observations based on their distance to the cut-off. Estimating non-parametric models helps us calculate even more robust estimates.

Non-Parametric Fuzzy RDD Estimation

In a first step, let’s ‘emulate’ the parametric model we just specified - this time estimating a non-parametric model.

Fuzzy estimation with rdrobust is - thankfully - relatively straightforward. The syntax is essentially the same as in the case of sharp RDDs, obviously with the exception that we need to specify that our model is supposed to estimate a fuzzy RDD. We can do so using the fuzzy= argument to specify the treatment status (treated in our case). Importantly, you do not need to specify an instrument (or even create one!). All you need to specify is the column that indicates treatment status — rdrobust will do all the above/below-the-cut-off instrument stuff behind the scenes for you.

Exercise 7: Estimate a non-parametric fuzzy RDD with a bandwidth of h=1 and uniform kernel.

The syntax of rdrobust is pretty similar to the sharp RDD. Recall that the argument c specifies the cut-off, while h determines the bandwidth. The fuzzy argument is sufficient to have rdrobust estimate a fuzzy model.

summary(rdrobust(outcome, running_var, c=, fuzzy=treatment_status,   h=))
Reveal Answer
summary(rdrobust(enter$newsuccess, enter$performance, c=0, fuzzy=enter$treated,  kernel="uniform", h=1))
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
Call: rdrobust

Number of Obs.                  933
BW type                      Manual
Kernel                      Uniform
VCE method                       NN

Number of Obs.                  568          365
Eff. Number of Obs.              93          108
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   1.000        1.000
BW bias (b)                   1.000        1.000
rho (h/b)                     1.000        1.000
Unique Obs.                     232          208

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     2.586     1.170     2.211     0.027     [0.294 , 4.879]     
        Robust         -         -     0.278     0.781    [-2.963 , 3.944]     

How does that look like? The estimated effect is pretty similar to the one from our (narrow) parametric estimation. Conventional measures of uncertainty also indicate that the effect is significant - looking at the robust p-values and confidence intervals, however, reveals that we would not reject the null hypothesis based on the robust estimation - which we should base our conclusion on. Here, we find that there is no significant LATE among compliers.

As we know, rdrobustallows us to specify more appropriate models to estimate our treatment effect. Let’s now make use of these opportunities to run more precise models.

Exercise 8: Estimate the treatment effect, specifying a triangular kernel and a MSE-optimal bandwidth. Also, cluster standard errors by country using the cluster= argument.

Note: You can simply add the cluster argument and enter the relevant cluster variable. Recall that optimal bandwidths are specified using the bwselect argument instead of h.

Reveal Answer
summary(rdrobust(enter$newsuccess, enter$performance, c=0, fuzzy=enter$treated,  kernel="triangular", cluster=enter$countrycode, bwselect="mserd"))
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
Call: rdrobust

Number of Obs.                  933
BW type                       mserd
Kernel                   Triangular
VCE method                       NN

Number of Obs.                  568          365
Eff. Number of Obs.             100          123
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   1.134        1.134
BW bias (b)                   1.763        1.763
rho (h/b)                     0.643        0.643
Unique Obs.                     232          208

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     1.862     1.051     1.772     0.076    [-0.198 , 3.922]     
        Robust         -         -     1.332     0.183    [-0.760 , 3.983]     

We see that the MSE-optimal bandwidth corresponds to 1.13%-points on the standardised scale on either side of the cut-off.

The estimated LATE among compliers is 1.86, not that different from our previous point estimates. Under this model specification, we find that the estimated effect is not statistically significant - the robust confidence interval includes zero, so we cannot conclude that there indeed is a significant effect of entering parliament on parties’ vote share in the subsequent election.

Note that this model uses a triangular kernel and accounts for non-independence among observations in the same country - for which reason it is somehwat more convincing compared to the models we estimated before.

We can also include covariates. The rdrobust package is very flexible in this regard and makes it easy to adjust for them. You can simply add the argument covs= and specify the variables you want the model to include.

Exercise 9: Specify a non-parametric fuzzy RDD with MSE-optimal bandwidth, clustered standard errors and seats and newperc as covariates. Interpret your result.

Reveal Answer
summary(rdrobust(enter$newsuccess, enter$performance, c=0, fuzzy=enter$treated,  kernel="triangular", cluster=enter$countrycode, covs= enter$seats + enter$newperc,  bwselect="mserd"))
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
Call: rdrobust

Number of Obs.                  933
BW type                       mserd
Kernel                   Triangular
VCE method                       NN

Number of Obs.                  568          365
Eff. Number of Obs.              99          120
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   1.111        1.111
BW bias (b)                   1.725        1.725
rho (h/b)                     0.644        0.644
Unique Obs.                     232          208

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional     2.057     1.087     1.892     0.058    [-0.074 , 4.188]     
        Robust         -         -     1.431     0.153    [-0.659 , 4.223]     
This again looks interesting - the optimal bandwidth hasn’t changed much, nor did the magnitude of the estimated treatment effect. Similarly to the model we estimated in the exercise before, however, the treatment effect is not statistically significant to robust estimations.

Sensitivity to Bandwidth

Can we be sure our estimated effect is robust to changing the bandwidth? Let’s see if the estimated effect varies meaningfully. As last week, let’s plot the effect over changing bandwidths.

Exercise 10: Plot the estimated effect and 95% confidence intervals for the model specification from the previous exercise over bandwidths ranging from 0.1 to 3.5 in 0.1%-points intervals.

Note: You migth want to use the following approach

  • Create a data frame with all variables you need for the plot and a and observation for each bandwidth.

  • Extract the values from the rdrobust output which you need for your plot.

  • Loop the regression and the extraction of output over the bandwidths indicated in the initial data frame.

  • Save the output in your loop to the respective row in the data frame.

  • Plot the output from the newly created data frame.

Reveal Answer
bandwidth <-  seq(from = 0.1, to = 3.5, by = 0.1)  #create a vector with values for each bandwidth you want to estimate

coefficient<- NA 
se <- NA
obs <- NA
bw <- NA
ci_u <- NA
ci_l <- NA

data_extract <- data.frame(bandwidth, coefficient, se, obs, bw, ci_u, ci_l) # create a data.frame with all variables you want to include in your data set

# create a loop for each bandwidth that is indicated by 'i'
for(i in bandwidth){
  rdbw <- rdrobust(enter$newsuccess, enter$performance, c=0, fuzzy=enter$treated,  kernel="triangular", cluster=enter$countrycode, covs= enter$seats + enter$newperc, h=i) # run the model
  # extract the model output (make sure to extract *robust* statistics)
  data_extract$coefficient[data_extract$bandwidth==i]  <- rdbw$coef[3] 
  data_extract$se[data_extract$bandwidth==i]  <- rdbw$se[3]
  data_extract$obs[data_extract$bandwidth==i]  <- (rdbw$N_h[1] + rdbw$N_h[2]) 
  data_extract$bw[data_extract$bandwidth==i]  <- (rdbw$bws[1, 1]) 
  data_extract$ci_l[data_extract$bandwidth==i]  <- rdbw$ci[3,1]
  data_extract$ci_u[data_extract$bandwidth==i]  <- rdbw$ci[3,2]
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
# Make sure the coefficient (and all other values) are numeric
data_extract$coefficient  <- as.numeric(data_extract$coefficient)

# Plot the estimates across bandwidths
ggplot(data = data_extract,
       aes(x = bandwidth, y = coefficient)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.8) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_l, ymax = ci_u), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), col = "red", linetype = 2) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-7.5, 7.5)) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(y = "LATE among Compliers at Discontinuity", x = "Bandwidths (Vote Margin)")

This looks interesting - the estimate varies vastly for very narrow bandwidths, but this is expected given the small number of observations that close around the threshold. This is not uncommon to see. However, it even looks like there is almost a significant negative treatment effect for bandwidths around 0.5%-points. Our estimated positive treatment effect is robust to all bandwidths starting from around 2.6% the end of the range. We can be confident that the effect is not contingent on specific bandwidths. What do we conclude?

Are we reasonably confident that there is a significant effect of entering parliament at \(t_0\) on a party’s vote share in the subsequent election (\(t_1\))? What would be the effect in substantive terms though?

We know that the threshold (and parties’ vote shares) have been standardised, with the standardised threshold being at 3.51%-points. We can now write a function to convert the standardised (or synthetic) scale into substantive vote shares based on a country’s electoral threshold:

standardised_to_vote <- function(coef, threshold) {
  vote_share <- coef*threshold/3.51

Exercise 11: Based on the treatment effect from our previous model from Exercise 9 (2.057), calculate the substantive treatment effect in Turkey, Greece and a country of your choice. For this exercise, let’s forget that the estimated effect was not statistically significant.

Reveal Answer
# In Turkey, the threshold is 10%
standardised_to_vote(2.057, 10)
[1] 5.860399
# In Greece, there's only a 3% threshold 
standardised_to_vote(2.057, 3)
[1] 1.75812

Recall that standardisation means that we are estimating the effect relative to the threshold. Accordingly, we will get different substantive results for countries with different absolute thresholds. The substantive effect will be roughly \(\frac{6}{10}\) of the size of the threshold (because 2.057/3.51 \(\approx\) 0.6).

We find that the substantive gain of entering parliament in Turkey corresponds to an increase of 5.86%-points in the subsequent election, whereas it amounts to 1.76%-points in Greece. What about the other country you chose?

Falsification tests:

Placebo outcomes:

We can conduct multiple tests to find evidence that there is no manipulation of the score around the cut-off. If units cannot precisely manipulate their scores, therefore we should expect no differences in terms of covariates for units above and below the threshold (we will test this later). We should also expect that there should not be differences in outcomes that should not be affected by the treatment. These outcomes are sometimes called in the RD literature pseudo-outcome.

One pseudo-outcome that we can use in this study is electoral success (standardised vote share) in previous elections (\(t_{-1}\)). The idea here is that current parliamentarian representation in period (\(t_0\)) would not affect electoral performance in \(t_{-1}\). Let’s see if this is true.

Exercise 12: Conduct placebo outcome test using the placebo outcome variable oldsuccess. Use the rdrobust() function to perform this test. Set the argument bwselect equal to “mserd”. Set cut-off argument c equal to zero. Use the summary() to report the results. What you can tell from this test? Does the evidence supports the continuity assumption?

Reveal Answer
summary(rdrobust(enter$oldsuccess, enter$performance, c=0, bwselect="mserd"))
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
Call: rdrobust

Number of Obs.                 1021
BW type                       mserd
Kernel                   Triangular
VCE method                       NN

Number of Obs.                  672          349
Eff. Number of Obs.              94          102
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   1.003        1.003
BW bias (b)                   1.485        1.485
rho (h/b)                     0.676        0.676
Unique Obs.                     240          196

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional    -1.713     1.629    -1.052     0.293    [-4.905 , 1.479]     
        Robust         -         -    -0.806     0.420    [-5.158 , 2.153]     

We find that the local regression estimate is -1.713 and the robust confidence interval goes from -5.158 to 2.153 (and the p-value is 0.420). We find evidence that there no is evidence of manipulation of the running variable around the cut-off.

Placebo cut-offs

As we did last week, we can conduct a placebo cut-off test. This test implies looking at the outcome variable but using different cut-offs where we should not expect changes in the outcome. Thus, the estimates from this test should be near zero (not statistically significant as well). Again, just to remind you one important step to conduct this test is that you need to subset the sample for those observations that are above the cut-off and those that are below. We do this to avoid “contamination” due to the real treatment effects. It also ensures that the analysis of each placebo cut-off is conducted using only observations with the same treatment status.

Rather than subsetting the data and creating a new data frame, let’s use this time subset argument in the rdrobust().

Exercise 13: Conduct placebo cut-off test using the following placebo value: -2.95 for the placebo tests below the cut-off. Use the rdrobust() function to perform this test. Set the argument bwselect equal to “mserd”. Replace the cut-off argument c with the value of the placebo cut-off Add the subset argument and set it equal to data$performance < 0 & data$performance >-3.51. Use thesummary()` to report the results. What you can tell from this test? Does the evidence supports the continuity assumption?

Reveal Answer
summary(rdrobust(enter$newsuccess, enter$performance, c = -2.95, fuzzy=enter$treated, cluster=enter$countrycode,
                 bwselect="mserd", subset=enter$performance < 0 & enter$performance >= -3.51))
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
Call: rdrobust

Number of Obs.                  521
BW type                       mserd
Kernel                   Triangular
VCE method                       NN

Number of Obs.                  189          332
Eff. Number of Obs.             137           64
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.466        0.466
BW bias (b)                   0.534        0.534
rho (h/b)                     0.872        0.872
Unique Obs.                      63          168

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional    -0.100     4.453    -0.023     0.982    [-8.828 , 8.628]     
        Robust         -         -    -0.193     0.847   [-17.186 , 14.109]    

We find that the RD estimate is -0.100 which is small. Also, the robust confidence interval goes from -17.186 to 14.109, which clearly includes zero. Thus, this coefficient is not statistically significant. This provides evidence in favour of continuity assumption.


As we covered last week, the key identification assumption of RDDs is that there is no sorting on the running variable. That is, the running variable must be continuous around the threshold. We can do this using density checks. This means we’re looking at the density of the running variable. Let’s use again the rddensity package to do so.

Just to remind you of the syntax, the command is straightforward. You only have to insert the running variable as an argument and, if different from 0, the cut-off. Note that you can optionally specify bandwidths, as above, using the h argument. Otherwise, an optimal bandwidth will be specified automatically. You can then save this as an object and run the summary command to see the output.

Exercise 14: Examine the density of the running variable using the rddensity command. Interpret your findings. See an example of the syntax below:

rdd <- rddensity(data$running_variable, c=0)

Reveal Answer
rdd <- rddensity(enter$performance, c=0)

Manipulation testing using local polynomial density estimation.

Number of obs =       2293
Model =               unrestricted
Kernel =              triangular
BW method =           estimated
VCE method =          jackknife

c = 0                 Left of c           Right of c          
Number of obs         1776                517                 
Eff. Number of obs    105                 125                 
Order est. (p)        2                   2                   
Order bias (q)        3                   3                   
BW est. (h)           0.611               0.763               

Method                T                   P > |T|             
Robust                -0.9864             0.3239              

P-values of binomial tests (H0: p=0.5).

Window Length              <c     >=c    P>|T|
0.070     + 0.070           9      15    0.3075
0.130     + 0.140          19      24    0.5424
0.190     + 0.211          27      28    1.0000
0.250     + 0.281          34      39    0.6400
0.310     + 0.351          43      46    0.8323
0.371     + 0.421          62      62    1.0000
0.431     + 0.492          68      72    0.8000
0.491     + 0.562          77      89    0.3933
0.551     + 0.632          94      98    0.8287
0.611     + 0.702         105     104    1.0000

This test reveals a p-value of 0.3239. The null hypothesis of this test is that observations near the cut-off are allocated with a 0.5 probability. Given that we failed to reject the null hypothesis, we can claim there is no evidence of sorting around the cut-off.

Let’s now plot this density test like we did last week. Let’s use again the rdplotdensity function. Remember that this function uses the output from the rddensity command. The syntax is simple:

rdplotdensity([rdd_object] ,[running_var])

And these the arguments that you can use.

Argument Description
plotRange Indicates starting and end point of plot
plotN Number of grid points used on either side of the cut-off
CIuniform True or False. If true, CI are displayed as continuous bands

Exercise 15: Use the rplotdensity to conduct a visual density check. Set theplotRange function equal to c(-2,2). Set the plotN argument equal to 25. Finally set the CIuniform equal to TRUE.

Reveal Answer
plot_rdd <- rdplotdensity(rdd, enter$performance, plotRange = c(-2, 2), plotN = 25,  CIuniform = TRUE)

Again, we find visual evidence for continuity around the cut-off. Now we can be confident about sorting not being a problem with this data set.

You can also conduct the same test using DCdensity function from the rdd package. Unfortunately, to use this command, you need to drop the observations with missing values. You can use the drop_na(performance) function to do this.


Let’s conduct a balance test to examine whether near the cut-off treated units are similar to control units in terms of observable characteristics. Ideally, we should get an RD estimate \(\tau_{RD}\) should be equal to zero

Exercise 16: Let’s check for balance around the cut-off. Use the rdrobust() function. Set the cut-off argument c equal to 0, and the bwselect argument equal to “mserd”. In this case, the outcome variables are the covariates that we want to check for balance. Check if there is balance for the following covariates: established. The established is a dummy variable denoting whether the country is an established democracy (equal to 1). Run the same analysis for the oldparty covariate, which is the “age” of the party. Remember to use the summary().

Reveal Answer
summary(rdrobust(enter$established, enter$performance, c=0, bwselect="mserd"))
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
Call: rdrobust

Number of Obs.                 2293
BW type                       mserd
Kernel                   Triangular
VCE method                       NN

Number of Obs.                 1776          517
Eff. Number of Obs.             157          134
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   0.830        0.830
BW bias (b)                   1.483        1.483
rho (h/b)                     0.560        0.560
Unique Obs.                     454          264

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional    -0.207     0.116    -1.783     0.075    [-0.434 , 0.021]     
        Robust         -         -    -1.926     0.054    [-0.510 , 0.005]     
summary(rdrobust(enter$oldparty, enter$performance, c=0, bwselect="mserd"))
[1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
Call: rdrobust

Number of Obs.                 2293
BW type                       mserd
Kernel                   Triangular
VCE method                       NN

Number of Obs.                 1776          517
Eff. Number of Obs.             206          182
Order est. (p)                    1            1
Order bias  (q)                   2            2
BW est. (h)                   1.106        1.106
BW bias (b)                   1.662        1.662
rho (h/b)                     0.666        0.666
Unique Obs.                     454          264

        Method     Coef. Std. Err.         z     P>|z|      [ 95% C.I. ]       
  Conventional    -0.254     0.492    -0.515     0.606    [-1.219 , 0.711]     
        Robust         -         -    -0.309     0.757    [-1.317 , 0.958]     

We observe that there is balance for both covariates.

Copyright © 2022 Felipe Torres Raposo & Kenneth Stiller.